Psalm 146:2 “While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.”
While I live, I will praise the Lord. It sounds like a simple enough promise. The Lord certainly is deserving of our praise. He is the Creator. To those whom He has redeemed, He is the Savior. He gives light to those who walk through the darkness. He is the giver of every good and perfect gift. He makes us lie down in green pastures. He leads us beside the still waters. He restores our soul. He blesses us abundantly. He forgives our sins.
When we think of these things and more, it isn’t difficult to recognize the many ways in which God has blessed us. We agree that He is worthy of praise. Inspired, we can easily vow that we will praise Him as long as we live. Does this vow come from knowing that God is worthy of praise simply because of who He is? Or does it come from the joy and ease which often accompany His blessings? Is our praise focused on who God is? Or is it focused on what He does for us?
What about those times when life becomes difficult? When there is suffering? When there is chaos? When things don’t make sense? When circumstances ruin our plans? When God may seem to be a million miles away? Can we praise Him during those times? These situations are all part of life, and we vowed to praise Him as long as we live. Do we still mean that?
Our praise shouldn’t be dependent on our circumstances. Our circumstances change, sometimes often, sometimes drastically. Our praise is offered to the One who never changes, to the One who is constant through all of eternity. Are we only faithful to our promises when it is easy? When there are no major difficulties? Or are we so committed that we can say with Job, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him”? That’s what the second part of the verse addresses: “I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.” While I have any being. While I have any spark of life within me, I will praise the Lord. In my confusion, in my pain, in my loneliness, in my dying, while there is a beat in my heart and a breath in my lungs, I will praise Him. If He leads me through the dark valley, I will love Him, I will trust Him, I will praise Him to the very end. Amen.
Pastor Haney