“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.” (I John 2:15) I think it is fair to say that this command also includes, “love not the ways of the world.”
Can you imagine the Apostle Paul trying to minister in today’s Christian culture?
“The Apostle Paul, fresh from his highly successful ‘Born Again’ tour, will be appearing at the arena in Ephesus for two nights only. Tickets will cost five drachmas at the gate, but if you order in advance, you will only pay three drachmas, plus you will get a free ‘I’ve Been Born Again’ cloak. The first fifty who respond will get a complimentary copy of Paul’s latest letter to the church. For an extra drachma, your name will be placed in a drawing for a free backstage pass. Come and say “hello” to Paul and share a loaf and a fish with him after his performance. Don’t forget to order a pair of our special “Walking with Jesus” sandals. All the believers in Antioch are wearing them. This advertisement is sponsored by the greater Ephesus Cash for the Kingdom Committee.”
I’m afraid that too often the church looks more like the world and less like Christ.